Montezemolo steps down, Marchionne steps up as chairman of Ferrari

Filed under: Hirings/Firings/Layoffs , Ferrari , Fiat If the history of an automaker is divided up by the mandate of its leadership, then this is surely the end of an era for Ferrari . After repeatedly locking horns with Fiat Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne over a variety of issues, longtime Ferrari chairman Luca di Montezemolo has announced his resignation.

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Montezemolo steps down, Marchionne steps up as chairman of Ferrari

LaFerrari racing prototype spotted in Southern Europe

Filed under: Spy Photos , Coupe , Ferrari , Racing Rumors have been circulating for a few months now that Ferrari could be gearing up to challenge for outright victory at Le Mans once again with an LMP1 racer of its own.

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LaFerrari racing prototype spotted in Southern Europe

Ferrari reports fewer sales, more profit to prove strategy is working

Filed under: Earnings/Financials , Ferrari Ferrari’s angle of emphasizing exclusivity by limiting deliveries is appearing to bear fruit. The company posted a 7.1-percent increase in revenues to 1.7 billion Euros ($2.2 billion at today’s exchange rates) during the first half of 2013

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Ferrari reports fewer sales, more profit to prove strategy is working